понедељак, 25. јануар 2016.

40th World Chess Solving Championship in Belgrade, Serbia

59th World Congress of Chess Composition

40th World Chess Solving Championship
July 30 - August 6, 2016 in Belgrade

World Congress of Chess Composition (WCCC) is the most important yearly event organized by World Federation for Chess Composition (WFCC). Within the annual WFCC Meeting, several traditional competitions have been held, the most important being World Chess Solving Championship (since 1977).
In 2016, Serbia will host WCCC and WCSC for the first time. The Serbian Chess Problem Society is proud about the development of chess composition in our country, and hopes to popularize it even more.
On a wider scene, we aim to present chess composition as a creative pursuit which may be performed on a high level throughout almost the whole life, from 9 to 99 years. To prove this, we shall enrich the traditional WCCC program with new competitions for juniors, both in composing and solving chess problems.

At this link you can fill in the registration form:  http://wccc2016.matplus.net/regi.php and all other information about the championships can be found on the official website of the championship  http://wccc2016.matplus.net/index.php

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