уторак, 29. март 2016.

Politika Newspaper weekly puzzle 11

This is an incredible position, by which it could be said it's simple to solve, but it's dead hard.
First move is shocking, and black gets into zugzwang...  Checkmate!
If White moves King anywhere else, Black is going to put him in check.

Petrasin Petrasinovic,
Problemblad 2015

Mate in three


четвртак, 24. март 2016.

Chess can be funny 8

Checkmate, blondie


Checkmate atheists


понедељак, 21. март 2016.

Politika Newspaper weekly puzzle 10

This is another problem by our composer. This time we have flight-giving theme (giving square for Black's King). In all variations, White's got a great Knight, but unfortunately a - pawn is included in one variation, and King is not envolved at all. Very nice manuever by Petrasin.

Petrasin Petrasinovic,
Belgrade, original

Mate in 3

понедељак, 14. март 2016.

Politika Newspaper weekly puzzle 9

Here's mate in four moves, where every piece has a great function, especially White's King, and we have Model mates and very nice bishop sacrifice in one variation.

Miroslav Cvetkovic
Belgrade, original

Mate in four

четвртак, 10. март 2016.

Chess can be funny 6

True Lady (Queen) brings success

Do not touch this.

Because of Lady everything crumbles.

With the right Lady always in the end you have taste of win.

The Queen's world

понедељак, 7. март 2016.

Politika Newspaper weekly puzzle 8

Another nice miniature! This time it is mate in four, with the rook and the bishop. This checkmating pattern is quite interesting, and in this case we have a beautiful Model mate.
Feel free to share your opinions and suggestions about my post and my blog!
Have a great day!

Aca Stankovic
Donje Sinkovce, original

Mate in 4

уторак, 1. март 2016.

THE PROBLEMIST, January 2016, my endgame study

THE PROBLEMIST, January 2016

I'm also a composer of chess problems and an endgame studies. I made a chess study published in the famous journal „The Problemist“. This is a journal in which all known composers publish their chess problems and studies. I am honored beacuse my chess endgame study is published in the company of well known players such as Jan Timman and others. I've also got very nice words from  IM Yochanan Afek, which also represents me a major honor. This mine study is a candidate for the annual prize, wish me luck.

Thanks a lot everyone who is supporting me in my chess progression.

White wins